Gradually open and balance chakras and surrender to your soul’s guidance.

Gradually open and balance chakras and surrender to your soul’s guidance.

At Meditating Mantis, we believe that our lives are lucid
dreams for our souls. When we surrender to our soul-purpose by surrendering to love, we gradually step out of our own way. We expend vital energy and resources running in circles trying to accomplish everything we THINK we need.  

When we learn to rely on intuition we find that we are much happier. When we prepare for action with quiet
contemplation, we get to launch from a place of serenity rather than haste. As a result, the steps we take are more effective. We find that we begin to do things differently. We also notice synchronicities along our path. We begin to realize that our soul can see the path we need very clearly.  

We practice staying in the moment and building solid
foundations that will enable us to relax, surrender to love, and discover the life of purpose we knew was about to emerge.